How You Can Help Your Partner During Fertility Treatments
It’s an exciting time when you decide to start a family. But things can shift into disappointment and worry if pregnancy doesn’t happen right away. Some couples will eventually decide to try fertility...
View ArticleWhat Does “Sex Positive” Mean?
Historically, our culture has been filled with negative references about sex and sexual identity. But the idea of being “sex positive” — an attitude about sexuality that is free from judgments — has...
View ArticleDoes HPV Go Away on Its Own?
If you have human papillomavirus (HPV), you might wonder if it goes away on its own or if you need to seek treatment ASAP. In this Q&A, Ob/Gyn Oluwatosin Goje, MD, explains what you need to know...
View ArticleDo Aphrodisiacs Really Work?
Can spicing things up in the kitchen help you do the same in the bedroom? Foods like oysters and dark chocolate have long been touted as natural aphrodisiacs, with the ability to pep up your sex...
View ArticleHow You Can Better Access LGBTQIA+ Friendly Healthcare
Finding the right healthcare provider can sometimes be challenging, but it’s especially difficult for the most vulnerable members of the LGBTQIA+ community who are at higher risk for discrimination....
View Article10 Signs You’re in a Codependent Relationship, and What To Do About It
Navigating relationships can be difficult — after all, there are so many different types of relationships and kinds of love — and what works for one couple may not work for another. Ideally,...
View ArticleThe Psychology of Love
Like hunger, thirst, sleep and sex, love is essential for human survival. It can often feel so primal and mysterious that it may be hard for some of us to define. For thousands of years, we’ve tried...
View ArticleWhat Is the Honeymoon Phase and How Long Does It Last?
At last, your love has come along. Every day is filled with discovery and excitement as you get more and more entangled with your partner and in each other’s lives. Your heart races when you’re...
View ArticleHow To Break up With Someone You Love
When you first met, things were fun. You laughed at each other’s jokes, finished each other’s sentences and ate pasta “Lady and the Tramp” style at every Italian restaurant in town. But the...
View ArticleIs Anal Sex Safe?
If you’re considering anal sex for the first time, you’re not alone. Though it may have once been taboo, it’s become more widely accepted over the last few decades. And if you think anal sex only...
View ArticleUnderstanding Gender Identity
There’s so much diversity in how we identify ourselves and the way we express love for one another. Just as there are different kinds of love, we can become sexually and romantically attracted to our...
View ArticleWhat Is Sexual Orientation?
Like gender identity, discovering your sexual orientation begins with an internal awareness of attraction. How you find comfort in expressing or acting on your sexual orientation varies based on your...
View ArticleHow To Spot Relationship Red Flags
Navigating the ups and downs of a relationship can be a complicated — and maybe a little messy — process. We all move through the stages of love differently. Many of us go through a honeymoon phase...
View ArticleHow Sex Changes After Menopause
When you hear about menopause, what do you think of? Maybe you’re focused on fending off hot flashes. Maybe you’re worried about weight gain. Maybe you’re kind of excited not to have your period...
View Article5 Benefits of a Healthy Sex Life
We often think of sex as only for pleasure, but it also offers physical, emotional and psychological benefits. Sex may burn calories, increase your heart health, help with pain and ease stress. So,...
View ArticleWhat Does It Mean To Be Asexual?
Within the spectrums of sexual orientations and gender identities, there exists a wide, wonderful world of identities to discover. Knowing who you are and how you identify can come easily for some....
View ArticleWhat Is Gaslighting?
If you’re unfamiliar with the term “gaslighting” or you’re confused on exactly what it is, you’re not alone. Calling gaslighting out as it’s happening can be hard, especially because it’s not always...
View ArticleWhat Are Poppers?
Poppers, or amyl nitrite, are a liquid chemical substance that produce vapors. When those vapors are inhaled, poppers provide a sense of euphoria and heightened sexual pleasure up to just a couple of...
View ArticleHow To Set Healthy Boundaries in Relationships
You may have heard of people establishing healthy boundaries, but what does that even look like? Well, for starters, a healthy boundary can look like a lot of things. If a friend wants you to stay out...
View ArticleWhen Venting Turns Toxic: What Is Trauma Dumping?
So, you’ve had a bad day. Your first instinct is probably to call a friend or turn to your coworker in the next cubicle for a quick venting session. While venting can be a natural part of working...
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