Let’s face it, men: It’s tough keeping on top of all the health and medical advice out there. And it seems like there’s something new every day, doesn’t it? Well, we’ve put together a list of timeless tips that can help keep you on top of your health game. Here are six intimate health facts that every man should know:
1. Your medications may be causing or increasing incontinence
If you are struggling with urinary incontinence or your existing incontinence is getting worse, take a look at the medications you are taking. They may contribute to the problem. Doctors commonly recommend four groups of medications that can cause or increase incontinence. If you are taking any of these, you should let your doctor know about your incontinence and discuss your medications (both prescription and over-the-counter) to see if another approach could control or eliminate the problem.
More information
Are Your Medications Causing or Increasing Incontinence?
Incontinence treatment guide
2. You can lower your risk for kidney stones
We have all heard about the pain of passing a kidney stone. Those who’ve experienced it never want to go through it again. Kidney stones are a common disorder of the urinary tract. They tend run in families and reoccur in those who’ve already had them. The good news is there are steps you can take to prevent them. One is to drink plenty of water – dehydration is a primary cause of kidney stones. The second is to limit sodium. This will reduce the amount of calcium in your urine, which in turn can reduce the formation of kidney stones, which are made of calcium.
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Kidney Stones: 2 Best Prevention Tips Plus Treatment Options
Kidney stones treatment guide
3. Misconceptions abound about prostate cancer
When it comes to prostate cancer screening and treatment, misconceptions persist. One is that PSA (or prostate-specific-antigen) testing mostly benefits men over 65. In fact, the men who really benefit from the test are young and have a PSA pattern that highly suggests cancer. A second myth is that a high PSA score always means prostate cancer. Other conditions can cause higher PSA, so a biopsy is the only way to know for sure. A third myth is that prostate surgery ruins your urinary control and your sex life. Caught early, and in an experienced physician’s hands, long-term issues are minimal.
More information
3 Prostate Cancer Myths
Prostate cancer treatment guide
4. Erectile dysfunction may signal early cardiovascular disease
Erectile dysfunction, or ED, isn’t just about sex. It can be a red flag for a number of medical conditions and shouldn’t be ignored. ED often is an early sign of cardiovascular disease, ED also can be a sign of other medical conditions, including heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and low testosterone. So even if you’re not bothered by it or don’t want treatment, you need to tell your doctor about any ED issues.
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Don’t Ignore Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile Dysfunction fact sheet
5. The best time to get a vasectomy
If you’re going to get a vasectomy and then have to recuperate by resting and not doing anything too physically demanding, you might as well make sure there’s something good on television. Many men plan a vasectomy with an eye toward watching the NCAA basketball tournament, a big weekend of college and pro football, or other sporting events while they recuperate.
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6. You can take simple steps to safeguard your health
Fellas, are you reluctant to see a doctor? Many men are, for reasons that range from embarrassment to a busy schedule. But if you have a health concern regarding testicular or prostate cancer or a sexually transmitted disease, it’s important for you to pay attention to the signs your body is giving. You can protect your health in four simple steps: Perform a monthly self-exam; report episodes of erectile dysfunction to your doctor; get regular health checkups; and watch for the warning signs of sexually transmitted diseases.
More information
Men: Protect Your Health in 4 Simple Steps (Infographic)
The post 6 Intimate Health Facts That Every Man Should Know appeared first on Health Essentials from Cleveland Clinic.